First-tier Tribunal for Scotland - Legal Member Recruitment

21 Nov 24

The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) will be launching a recruitment round on Thursday 28 November 2024 for legal members of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland for the following Chambers:

·      General Regulatory Chamber
·       Health and Education Chamber
·       Housing and Property Chamber
·       Local Taxation Chamber
·       Social Security Chamber

The roles are paid on a daily fee basis and there is a yearly commitment of around 10 to 30 days per year, depending on the volume of work of the particular Chamber.

Please note that if you are already a member of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland you are not eligible to apply for these posts. A separate assignment process applies for moves between Chambers and should be discussed with your Chamber President.

Legal Members of the First-tier Tribunal are appointed by the Scottish Ministers. Legal Member appointments are made under part 2 of schedule 3 of the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014. Eligibility criteria is also set out in the Scottish Tribunals (Eligibility for Appointment) Regulations 2015[1], made under powers in schedule 3 of the 2014 Act

In support of this recruitment, JABS and the Judicial Office will deliver a virtual webinar on Monday 25 November 2024 at 5:30-7pm. The webinar will be of interest to people with legal experience and we encourage applications from a wide range of people with different backgrounds.

President May Dunsmuir, Chamber President of the Health and Education Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland and JABS Judicial Member,  will chair the session and the President of the Scottish Tribunals, The Rt Hon Lady Wise, will provide an overview of the Scottish Tribunals. Professor Derek Auchie and Jim Bauld both current Legal Members, will then talk about their experience to date and what the role involves. Finally, Dr Geoff Garner, Lay Appointment Adviser at JABS, will provide an overview of the application and interview process.

Click here to view the full programme and to register for the webinar.

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